Book scanners for users

Book scanners are available for users in the Central University Library and the Departmental Library.
The use of such scanners is intended to limit heavy wear on the books, such as is caused by photocopying.
With the A2 book scanners you can scan book pages and journal articles as well as save the generated PDF files on a USB flash drive. The scanners have no print option.
The user him/herself is responsible for complying with copyright regulations. (Greifswald University Library Terms of Use, Appendix 1, (2)).
Scan tents in all the locations

The small tents are set up on a table or a desk and enable users in the library to take well-lit and wobble-free simple scans from open books with their own smartphone or tablet. During further processing, the framework permitted by copyright must be observed. With the help of an app, the scans can also be loaded into text recognition software such as Transkribus.
The tents have been provided with a switch with which additional lighting can be switched on and off.
The mobile phone or tablet is placed with the camera lens down on a plate at the top of the tent.
Central University Library
Berthold-Beitz-Platz Campus
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 10
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1515