Digitisation VD18
Digitisation and Indexing of Printed Material in the 18th Century Published in the German Speaking Areas
A retrospective German national bibliography of the 18th century will be generated with this project, as was the case in the previous projects VD16 and VD17 for the preceding centuries. In this "Index of 18th Century Prints Published in the German-Speaking Areas" all prints which were published between 1701 and 1800 in the German language or in the German-speaking areas will be indexed in collaboration and given an individual VD18-identifier. In contrast to its previous projects, the relevant monographs and multi-volume publications are not catalogued in a database, but in the common networks of the participating libraries. Digitisation of the works takes place simultaneously.
The University Library of Greifswald is participating in the 2nd section of the VD18 project`s main phase. The electronic books will be made available to the public in the Digital Library of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.
The project is funded by the German Research Foundation.