Workstation trolleys / loan lockers
At the University Library's locations, loan shelves and, in some cases, workstation trolleys are available for all persons who wish to work with borrowed and their own media on a long-term basis.
All students are eligible, regardless of their semester of study.
They can be requested at the service desk during service hours. The loan period is limited to one month, but can be extended if necessary.
If all workstation trolleys or loan lockers have been borrowed, a waiting list will be kept.
Central University Library | 10 mobile and lockable workstation trolleys and 36 loan lockers | The workstation trolleys must not block the escape routes within the Central University Library. Overnight and when they are not in use, they must be parked in the parking lot (at the atrium on the opposite side of the service desk). |
Departmental Library | 12 loan lockers | |
Old University Library | 20 loan lockers | You must bring your own lock for this. The lockers provided for this purpose are marked, all other lockers (not used as loan lockers) must be vacated when leaving the library. |
In addition to personal materials, documents and folders, personal and borrowed media may also be stored in the workstation trolleys/loan lockers. The shelf marks must be visible from the outside for checking purposes.
Media that have not been borrowed, food and drink as well as valuables may not be deposited. The library is authorized to check items.
In addition, the general provisions of the University Library of Greifswald's user regulations apply.
Complete regulations of use for workstation trolleys / loan lockers as PDF [de]