What first-semester students and new students need to know
Greifswald University Library offers all new students and first-semester students various information and services to help them find their way around more quickly and feel at home.

Central University Library
Berthold-Beitz-Platz Campus
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 10
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1515
Information about winter semester 2021/2022
Due to the restrictions because of the coronavirus, only limited events for introducing the use of the university library can be held at the beginning of the winter semester 2021/2022. However, we offer a wide range of digital information for freshmen and newly enrolled students:
You can find an overview of the current usage restrictions of the university library on our website (grey information box) [DE].
For any questions around the usage of the University Library, please contact us via mail or telephone:
Telephone: 03834 420 1515
Mail: ubinfouni-greifswaldde
Telephone: 03834 420 1567
Mail: ausleiheuni-greifswaldde
Registration with the University Library
Students of the university accept the "Regulations of Use for the University Library Greifswald" with their enrollment at the university. So there is no need for a seperate registration. The electronic Student ID-card has a barcode and a user number of the university library on its back side and can be used immediately. For using the self-service machines, but also for access to the user account, a password for the account is needed. There is a button "Request/change password" at the login-website of the user account.
User account
Request password
Any more questions?
Our website contains further information on topics such as loans, textbook collections, carrels etc. (e.g. FAQ). The staff of the University Library are also available to help you wherever they can.
You will also find some information flyers in the libraries that you are welcome to take away with you
Locations of the University Library
Addresses, Opening Hours, How to get there