Publishing in the institutional repository

As part of its efforts to support open access publishing the University of Greifswald has opened up its repository to open access publications in April 2019. In addition to publishing original open access publications like books, preprints or proceedings, the repository is used to self archive journal article by our scientists that have previously only been published in closed access journals behind a paywall.

Publication Process

To publish your content in our institutional repository, please fill out the form, upload your file and send the signed publishing contract (german) to the address in the contract via mail, fax or email.

If you plan to publish several documents or a series, please contact our OA representative Mrs. Bollin at openaccessuni-greifswaldde  beforehand to simplify the process.

If you want to publish within a series already published in our repository, please contact the editor.

Service Hotline
Open Access Team
University of Greifswald

Service hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am -11 am
Phone +49 3834 420 1531


Publishing Agreement

(without giving away exclusive rights)

The publishing agreement for our repository grants the library the right to make your publication publicly available online permanently, irrevocably, and free of charge in our repository. It will not grant exclusive rights.

Copyright Licenses

Choosing a copyright license determines the conditions for reusing the published document.

For an initial open access publication we recommend using the Creative Commons CC by 4.0 license as this is the most open license that allows the licensed material to be freely distributed and reused. This is especially helpful for educational materials to ensure reuse is possible.

When publishing in our repository you can choose between the six CC-BY-licenses or a license according to the publishing agreement. Our open access team can help you choose the appropriate license, please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Technical Requirements

Documents in the repository will be published as pdf-documents. We recommend using the long term archivable pdf/A-format.
Instructions for creating pdf/A compliant files can be found on the TU Berlin homepage.

For books and series please make sure to comply at least with the minimum requirements of the corporate design (german) of the University of Greifswald.


Publishing Thesis

Thesis by students of the University of Greifswald can be published in the repository if they meet the following criteria:

  • only master thesis or state examination thesis are published, not bachelor thesis
  • a grade between 1.0 and 1.3
  • recommendation for publication by the academic advisor

Proof of the grade and recommendation by advisor can be provided by the advisor for example by email to openaccessuni-greifswaldde

Corrections in the published document resulting from the academic appraisal of the thesis are possible.