
Is my preferred journal eligible for funding?

Do you already know exactly where you want to publish and want to find out about funding opportunities?

The oa.finder provides detailed information about open access opportunities in over 55,000 journals as well as Greifswald University’s funding agreements.


If you have little or no funding available, you may search for cost-effective open access journals.

You are not sure about the journal for publication?

The University of Greifswald offers various funding opportunities for Open Access publishing. One of the requirements for the funding is that you are the corresponding author responsible for paying the article processing fee (APC). You must also provide your affiliation details for the University or the University medicine.

Service Hotline
Open Access Team
University of Greifswald

Service hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am -11 am
Phone +49 3834 420 1531

Funding Open Access Books

Funding Open Access Books

University library Open Access fund

Guidelines for finding trusted open access journals

ThinkCheckSubmit checklist