Open Access Books
1. Open Access Monographs from DFG projects
Funding of 5,000 euros is available for open access monographs that result from DFG-funded projects. Please, hand in the invoice using the application form.
- Evidentially emerged from a DFG project
- The author is a member of the University of Greifswald
- Funding is available for previously unpublished Open Access monographs and anthologies that are freely accessible immediately after release.
- Funding of up to EUR 5,000 per title (incl. VAT)
- A professionally recognized quality control procedure
- CC license, CC-BY or CC-BY-SA recommended, CC-BY-ND is also possible
- The publication is published under a permanent address (DOI or URN).
- The affiliation of the author to the University of Greifswald must be evident in the publication.
- The funded publication is also stored in the repository of the University of Greifswald.
- The Open Access publication fees charged by the publisher must be based on a calculation that is transparent and comprehensible for the university.
- Only open access costs are funded, printing costs cannot be funded.
An overview of sponsored books can be found here.
2. Open Access Monographs (without DFG funding)
The University of Greifswald provides its members with additional funds to finance Open Access monographs, anthologies and contributions to anthologies. In 2025, 20,000 euros are available.
- The planned monograph is not the result of a DFG-funded project (see above).
- The applicant is a member of the University of Greifswald.
- Funding is only available for work that has been produced in the context of the University of Greifswald.
- The following applies to edited volumes: edited volumes must have been produced under the editorship of members of the University of Greifswald.
- The publication of a dissertation is funded if the overall grade is one of the two top grades common in the subject. Proof of the grade must be enclosed with the application.
- Funding is available for previously unpublished Open Access monographs and edited volumes that are freely accessible immediately after release.
- For scientific quality assurance, a peer review or evaluation process is used that corresponds to the common standards in a subject.
- The publisher should be listed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) or a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).
- Maximum funding limit: monographs: €5,000 (incl. VAT), articles in edited volumes: €2,000 (incl. VAT); can be funded proportionate.
- The publication fee cannot be covered by third-party funds.
- The Open Access publication fees charged by the publisher must be based on a calculation that is transparent and comprehensible for the university.
- Only Open Access costs are funded, printing costs cannot be funded.
- Alternative Open Access publication models (instead of book processing charges) are explicitly welcome and will be given preference when it comes to funding.
- The affiliation of the author to the University of Greifswald must be evident in the publication.
- The publication is published under a permanent address (DOI or URN).
- A reference to the funding must be included in the monograph.
- Sample wording in German: "Die Open-Access-Publikation wurde durch die Universität Greifswald gefördert."
- Wording example in English: "We acknowledge support for the open access publication from the University of Greifswald."
- Academic publications that are published under a Creative Commons license (preferably CC BY) are fundable.
- The funded publication is additionally stored in the repository of the University of Greifswald.
Attach to each application:
- A transparent breakdown of the costs, in which the OA costs are comprehensibly itemized
- A summary or exposé of the publication (usually 1 - 2 pages)
Additionally for dissertations:
- Proof of the overall grade
Additionally for edited volumes:
- An overview of the contributions as well as information on the publication context and the selection of contributions
You can submit an application as soon as you have started negotiations with the publisher.
The decision on funding is made by the University of Greifswald's OA steering group, taking into account the funding criteria in the order in which the applications are received. Junior scientists, outstanding engagement in the faculty and the alternative funding models (instead of BPC) will be favored.
After evaluation of your application, you will usually receive an answer within 4 weeks.
Please, provide the following billing details to the publisher:
Universität Greifswald
Open Access Team
17487 Greifswald
Foreign invoices also need the VAT identification number of the University of Greifswald (VAT: DE 137 584 813) as well as the VAT number of the publisher. The invoice amount must then be displayed as a net amount.
An overview of sponsored books and book chapters can be found here.
The funding criteria are dynamic and are regularly expanded and adapted in order to be able to react quickly and appropriately to current developments. The funding criteria apply on the day the application is submitted.
[Last modified: 26.08.2024]
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Open Access Team
University of Greifswald
Service hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am -11 am
Phone +49 3834 420 1531