Special Collections Historical Books & Manuscripts and Pomeranica
In the Old University Library at Rubenowstraße 4 you can find the two special collections “Historical Books & Manuscripts” and “Pomeranica”.
Opening Hours of the Old University Library
The special collection Historical Books & Manuscripts includes the collections with printing years up to and including 1850. The special collection Pomeranica encompasses literature about and from historical Pomerania and today´s Western Pomerania and also includes in particular historical and current regional newspapers. These are generally collections that are worth protecting and therefore only useable in the special reading room.
The reading room of the Old University Library contains an extensive reference library. This collection is freely accessible, but not for loan.
The Reference Library contains:
- general reference books
- important specialist literature and journals pertaining to the Historical Books Collection
Various special collections are also held available in the Old University Library in the form of smaller collections, such as the Wolgast Library, the Doysen Library, the Vitae Pomeranorum, the Fennica Collection, the Thorild Collection and the Arndt Collection, some bequests, the Low German Collection as well as disputations and dissertations, school and university writings.
The media with the location Alte Universitätsbibliothek are held freely accessible. It is not necessary to order these.
The media with the location Alte Universitätsbibliothek Magazin need to be ordered prior to use. Archive collections can be ordered using the online catalogues or the white library tickets.
Information on the Special Collection Pomeranica [de]
Old University Library
Rubenowstraße 4
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1640
Fax: +49 3834 420 1646
Ivo Asmus
Old University Library
Rubenowstraße 4
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420-1641