Training in Information Literacy

The University Library regularly offers courses on the topics of literature search and literature management. Below you will find an overview of the courses on offer and current dates.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our course programme, please contact ubinfouni-greifswaldde.


in person, by telephone or by email:

Central University Library

Berthold-Beitz-Platz Campus
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 10
17487 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1515

Searching in the most important catalogues (with exercises)

In this course you will receive research tips and an introduction to using the library catalogue and Discovery system. We will also show you how to find and use e-books and electronic journals and how to request an interlibrary loan.

The course lasts approx. 90 minutes and also includes exercises.

27.02.2025, 16:00 online  
  • Zoom access link for online courses. It is not necessary to register for the online course.
  • For courses that take place in the Central University Library, registration is requested. For the practical exercises, please bring your own device (laptop, notebook, iPad or similar) with you. WLAN via eduroam.

Retrieval in databases for HUMANITIES (with exercises)

Preparation for research in subject-specific databases, Database Information System, presentation of the most important databases

Currently there are no scheduled dates.    

Retrieval in databases for LAW (with exercises)

OPAC, Interlibrary Loans, Juris, Beck, other databases, electronic journals und Ebooks

Currently there are no scheduled dates.  

Retrieval in databases for ECONOMICS (with exercises)

Preparation for research in subject-specific databases, Database Information System, presentation of the most important databases

Currently there are no scheduled dates.  

Working with the reference and knowledge management system Zotero

In this course we introduce the reference management programme Zotero 7 in more detail, show important functions and how Zotero can support the writing of term papers or theses.

The course lasts approx. 90 minutes and also includes exercises.

Participants who would like to try out Zotero on their own laptop or PC during the course must install the programme in advance.

11.03.2025, 16:00 online  
10.04.2025, 16:00 online  

Other Offers

  • Additional Dates for all events can be agreed with the respective librarian via the Information

Switching from Citavi to Zotero

In this course we will show you how to move your Citavi projects to Zotero 7 and the important differences between Zotero and Citavi.

The course lasts approx. 75 minutes.

Further information on this topic can also be found on our website.

13.03.2025, 16:00 online  
08.04.2025, 16:00 online  
22.04.2025, 16:00 online