The unambiguous identification of authors of publications is of great importance and becomes necessary, for example, when people share the same name, change their name, or change their institution. To ensure unambiguous identification of a publication by both individuals and machines, unique, numerical identifiers have become established. Authors indicate these identifiers during the publication process in addition to their name and affiliation.

The ORCID iD is widely used. It is a non-proprietary and unique identifier consisting of 16 digits represented in blocks of four (example: 0000-0002-1825-0097). As part of a web address, it refers to a person's ORCID profile, in which further data can be stored independently of an author’s institution. This allows linking information on affiliation, publications, research data, scientific positions, and other data in one place.
ORCID is non-profit organization that is supported by the scientific community.
The use of an ORCID iD has become the international de facto standard for the identification of authors. It is recommended that all researchers at the University of Greifswald and University Medicine Greifswald have an ORCID iD and use it in publications, in third-party funding applications, and in other applications.
- Register an ORCID iD in just a few steps.
- Set up the institutional login that allows you to log in to ORCID with your user ID.
- Fill out your ORCID profile, link it to other existing identifiers (e. g. Scopus Author ID or Researcher ID), define privacy settings for the entire profile and/or for individual pieces of information
- Import your publication lists (e. g. from Google Scholar, Web of Science, CrossRef, BASE) or create them by manual entry
- Reference the ORCID iD on your websites, in third-party funding applications and manuscripts, on your business card, etc. The publication server of the University of Greifswald has integrated the use and display of an ORCID iD.
- Unambiguous identification of a person (accounting for identical names, name changes, or different spellings)
- Clear attribution of your individual biography and research achievements (e. g. publications, research data, software)
- Possibility of automated maintenance of publication lists
- Data privacy
- Simplified communication with funding institutions, associations, publishers, and repositories (e. g. when submitting third-party funding applications and manuscripts or registering for conferences)
- Simplified documentation of the overall research performance of universities, faculties, institutes and working groups
Data protection is a fundamental principle of ORCID. After registration, you retain full control over the profile details you provided and decide which information is private, only visible to trusted third parties, or open to the public. Only your name and the unique identifier (the ORCID iD) are always public.
Further information on ORCID iD can be found on the official ORCID website and on the website of the ORCID DE project, which promotes the use of ORCID in Germany.
If you have any questions about ORCID iD, you can also contact us by e-mail: openaccessuni-greifswaldde.