Open Access Journals

The Open Access Initiative aims to provide free access to academic literature.
The contents are supplied on servers provided by independent e-journals, university or institutional archives, subject related servers or private websites and can be read, downloaded, saved, linked, printed out and used by all users. Terms of use can be set individually to regulate the copying and application of the contents.

The following academic publications can be accessed via Open Access:

- freely available articles in e-journals
- preprints
- online versions of contributions to books and journals (postprints)

Directory of Open Access Journals

The Directory of Open Access Journals is the most comprehensive collection of e-journals that are freely available on the internet based on the principles of Open Access. All of its academic journals are subject to a quality control. The directory has been arranged systematically according to subject area, but searches are also possible.

As a result of an agreement with the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), all of the titles that are listed in the DOAJ are marked in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) with a green light (with a  link between the green light and the journal title that leads to the entry in the DOAJ).

Electronic Journals Library

Further information about Open Access:

Open Access Information Platform

Central University Library

Berthold-Beitz-Platz Campus

Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 10
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1515


Certain Databases are linked to the Common Library Network (GBV) and provide an order function.