v:scout – The Room Information System
v:scout is a digital, cross-platform, visual room information system, which was developed and adapted to the needs of the University Library by arTec Berlin. This modern user service has been set up in the new Departmental Library since 2016 and in the Central University Library since 2017.
The room information system serves as an orientation aid and makes it easier for users to find the desired media. A link in the library catalogue (OPAC) can be used to display the location of a title on a PC, smart phone, tablet or other mobile device. The 2D and 3D views used provide an overview of the library building, its media collections and service offers. The room information system guides the user quickly and easily to the desired destination by showing the shortest way to the book.
The system has been further optimised since its introduction and expanded with new modules. It offers functionalities that simplifiy internal tasks. For example, the system is used for shelf labelling in the two locations of the University Library.